Droid type characters must be from a visual reference source or a known variant thereof. Droids must fully meet screen accurate requirements. Currently accepted droids: R2D2 and known R2 variants, BB8, HK47, C3PO and variants, IG-88, Medical droids, support droids and more. If a visual reference is not found the kit will be deemed unacceptable (exceptions may be made in the case of honorary builds, see R2-KT).
Droid class characters that fall under the R2, BB or medical/support roles are required to be:
- Remote controlled.
- Meet movie or game standards.
- Be constructed of fiberglass, aluminum, kydex, worbla, teraflex or other durable materials.
- May not have a human operator inside the unit.
- Be under the direct control of the owner or designated handler, who is over 18, for the duration of the event.
HK-47, IG-88, C3PO and other droid types must:
- Meet movie or game standards.
- Be constructed of fiberglass, aluminum, kydex, worbla, teraflex or other durable materials.
- Remote controlled. Alternately, if this is a costume you plan on wearing, these kits require an opening large enough to place a straw through, allowing the wearer to hydrate while trooping, and cooling fans must be installed with power pack accessibility from the outside.
- The wearer must have a handler present at ALL times to ensure their safety and well-being.
- The wearer acknowledges that in an emergency their kit may be damaged to provide medical aid.
All droid kits must be pre-approved by the Membership Magistrate prior to submitting a membership application.